If you are going to be an accountant then you have to be able to laugh at yourself. I put together this post to bring together any funny and entertaining accounting and tax videos, puns, jokes, pictures, etc. that might brighten your day. If get you a laugh from this post I hope you will share it with others. Sharing a laugh brings us all together (especially during any busy season). As a final note, if you have know of any accounting jokes or funny accounting videos that you think I should add you can add them in the comments below or send me an e-mail with the information through my contact page.
Short Accounting and CPA Jokes
Accounting & CPA puns
- Be audit you can be.
- Accountants are always the LIFO the party.
- My humor is quite self depreciating.
- Accounting is an accrual profession, where everyone works their assets off and everybody counts.
- I fell in love when IFRS saw you.
- It’s an accrual world out there.
- Welcome to Accounting, where everybody counts!
- You have a nice set of assets.
- You’ve gotta FIFO your right to party!
- Calc-u-later
- Just no accounting for our bad taste in jokes.
- Just call me Bond… municipal bond.
- Keep saying you have no interest, but your APR says otherwise.
- You really know how to work your §751(c)s and (d)s.
- AT THE IRS “Why are we paying so much tax?” “Just like the sign says… it’s all THEIRS”!
- It’s an accrual world, audit can help you bridge the GAAP.
- When you pick up your date you should always ask if they have an allowance for doubtful decisions
- A partner in a dog kennel receives a K-9.
- A pet store reports inventory on the FIFO method.
- A successful tennis player has a lot of net income.
- A Democratic tax preparer PTINs the tail on the donkey.
- QDOT.com is a foreign match making service.
- An FBAR serves imported beer.
- An ILIT is a trust created by a drunk.
- Under the table income is reported below the line.
- A tax table is the place to negotiate with the IRS.
Short Accounting and CPA Jokes
What is an accountant’s favorite hobby?
How does Santa value the contents of his sleigh?
Net Present Value
Where do accountants buy their clothing?
How does a pirate report treasure on his taxes?
On the Schedule Sea!
Did you hear about the constipated accountant?
He couldn’t budget, so he took a laxative and liquidated his assets.
So, you’ve seen introverted accountants who stare at their own shoes all the time, right? What is an extroverted accountant?
One who stares at your shoes.
Do you know why it’s so difficult for restaurants to find CPAs?
Because there’s no accounting for taste.
Why was Janet Jackson’s accountant so upset when she had a wardrobe malfunction?
Because to him, it was a material weakness.
Why did the accountant divorce the banker?
They couldn’t reconcile their differences.
Why did the auditor get hit by a car when he crossed the road?
Because he wasn’t planning on doing his risk assessment procedures until after he crossed.
How does a pirate report all the loot he stole?
He got a 1099-ARRRRRR for that!
Why did the accountant wear New Balances?
So he could tie his shoes
What’s an accountants favorite sport to play during busy season?
Ultimate FASB.
How did the auditor propose to his girlfriend?
With an engagement letter.
Actual call to a CPA
Client: Hey! I sold my boat for 100k, do I have to pay taxes?
CPA: How much did you pay for the boat?
Client: 80k.
CPA: Ok, then your profit is 20k and the tax is 30% so you have to pay 6k in taxes.
Client: Ah I understand – it means it would be better if I sold it for 80k since I’ve already paid shitloads of taxes.
CPA: ……
This ever happen to you?
Senior: Look at last year and do that.
Senior when reviewing: Why didn’t you include this account?
Staff: Because they didn’t include it last year.
Senior: Just because they did it that way last year doesn’t mean it was right.
Staff: ……
Another CPA call
A tax partner once told me about a client who complained that every number on his tax return prepared by the CPA firm was wrong because the amounts had been rounded. As many preparers could probably guess, the client was an engineer.
Famous (and sometimes funny) Public Accounting Quotes
- This return is pretty straight forward.
- Just a quick question…….
- We really care about work life balance.
- Don’t eat hours.
- Charge efficient time.
- We should have the basic blocking and tackling done.
- Clear as Mud.
- Bonuses will now be based on the “merit” system.
- This will be a good learning experience.
- Come work at our firm and you’ll get to travel a lot
- Look at last year
- Don’t spin your wheels
- What’s on your plate?
- Can you clear these points, it should only take 30 min.
- Let’s discuss……
Funny Accounting Cartoons, Pictures, Gifs etc.
- IRS Humor
- Accountant Needed
- Far Side – Punk Accountants
- Kid Accounting
- Tax Season Humor ?
- LIFO / FIFO – Inventory Accounting Humor
- Entering Debits and Credits a little differently
- Bloom Country Cartoon
- Schrodinger’s CPA Scores
- Staff reaction when asked to do a task by a senior
- Robots getting jobs for CPAs?
- Halfway through January cartoon
- Staff reaction when senior is trying to assign a tough client
- Listen to the Hulk
- Accounting Humor Shirt
- Accounting purpose cartoon
- Most Interesting man cartoon
- But what about accounts purrable?
- Fun A/R collections?
- K-1 Footnote – Tax Humor
- Baskin Robbins Ice Cream
- The Wrongulator
- Welcome to the NBA Finals
- Becker CPA Cake
- Accounting Mindset?
- Interstellar Tax Debt
- Self Prepared Tax Return Mindset?
- Funny Accounting TShirt
- Dilbert Excuse versus good reason
- Time for Extensions?
- Your personal Tax Shelter
- Teach your kids about income tax eat 30% of their ice cream
- Taxes for Pirates
Funny (and sometimes cringing) Accounting Songs
- The Accounting Song – Debit Cash / Credit Life
- Whose Line is it Anyway? – Accounting Songs
- LIFO FIFO Accounting Rap
- KPMG Audit Team
- Peter Olinto – CPA Becker Rap Remix
- Petty Ca$h – “Public Accounting Anthem”
- Farewell EY! – Song Starts at 1:40
- I Only Do My Taxes When I Drink
- Colin Dodds – Debit Credit Theory (Accounting Rap Song)
- “Work In A Cubicle” parody of “What Makes You Beautiful”
- I’m Accounting Song
- Auditors Song: I Wanna Si (Die in Hokkien) [Under the Sea Parody]
- PWC Interns Song / Video
- Accounting Rap
- Zainy ft. Yitong – Debits and Credits
- Accountants on Vacation
- Accountants Song
- Accounting Firm Song – Funny or Cringing?
- Deloitte Lipdub
- ACC 319 – Fyrefiles – Extra Credit Assignment
- Withum Accounting Firm
- Expat Tax Rock Songs
- Stick to GAAP
Funny (and sometimes cringing) Accounting Videos
- Monty Python’s – Lion Tamer Accountant
- So You Think You Can Audit? – a PARODY by UCB
- Cat prepared your taxes? Get help here.
- Seinfeld and Kramer – Tax Deductions
- When I Grow up I want to be a Tax Accountant
- Introducing TurboTax eVasion
- Abbott & Costello: Learn How 7 x 13 = 28
- Abbott & Costello: Two Tens for a Five
- Ben Affleck / Jimmy Fallon – Accounting Theater
- The Accountant
- WW2 Internet Audit Parody Video
- Mel Brooks & Carl Reiner Skit on Taxes
- If Accountants Were Streamers
- A “Quick” Job Assigned by a Senior to a Staff
- The Accountants: The Books Don’t Balance – The Office US
- The Weeknd – I Feel It Coming ft. Daft Punk (PARODY) “Them Taxes Coming”
- Park and Rec Accounting Jokes
- New format requirement for accounting resumes
- Accounting Vs Chuck Norris
- Public Accounting – Tax
- Kunal Rao on Chartered Accountants
- WW2 Public Accounting Parody
- Tax Day – Official Trailer
- Street Accountants
- Harold Rosenbaum Chartered Accountant Extreme
Longer Accounting Jokes
Joke 1
A CPA walks into a pet shop and is looking to buy a bird. The store owner shows him three parrots and says those are his only ones. So the CPA asks how much the first one costs.
“$2000” said the owner.
“Holy moly, that’s so much money! What does it do?”
“Well this one can do some basic auditing”
Baffled at the cost, the CPA inquires about the second parrot.
“$10,000” replies the owner.
“Wow, what does this one do?”
“Well it does more complex audits, as well as tax returns and provides assurance services.”
Dreading the next answer, the CPA sheepishly asks about the last parrot.
“WHAT!? What on earth can justify such an astronomical price??” “I don’t know, but the other two call it “senior partner” for some reason”
Joke 2
The most successful accountant in the most prestigious accounting firm in the world was about to retire. At the start of each workday for the past 40 years, he took a key from his vest pocket, unlocked his desk drawer, opened it and looked inside for just an instant, and then closed and locked it back up. Everyone in the firm had been watching him repeat this same routine for 40 years, and everyone was convinced that the secret to his man’s success was hidden in that drawer. At the very end of his very last day, he took the key out of his vest pocket, placed it on top of the desk, and left the office to enjoy his retirement. The entire office staff crowded around his desk, and with trembling hands the most senior partner of the firm carefully unlocked the drawer and peered inside. He saw that the drawer was empty except for a small piece of paper with faded writing. “Read it! Read it,” cried everyone. “Tell us the secret of his success!” The partner stared carefully at the paper and read: “Debits on the left, credits on the right”.
Joke 3
A man who claimed to be a direct descendant of Christopher Columbus was hired to speak to a class about the holiday. He informed the class that Columbus was hired by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to go about his journeys. His voyage was paid for, but if he found land, he and his crew would be paid generously, but if not, they would be given no payment. Sure enough, Columbus’ journey brought him to land in the New World. The man asked the class if they knew the first three words Columbus said when he struck land. “I’ve struck land!” Said the first student. “Wrong.” “We made it!” Said the second. “Incorrect.” “This is India!” Said another. “No.” The class was at a loss, when finally a student asked for the answer. The man said, “Columbus stood proudly at the front of the ship and turned to his right-hand man, who kept track of voyage expenditures and Columbus’ own finances. In a triumphant exclamation he told his partner, ‘DEBIT ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE!'”
- Accounting Jokes
- Snickers Bars are Not Tax Deductible
- Accounting Valentines
- Accounting Pick Up Lines
- Worry Less Smile More
If you found this post funny please consider sharing it with your accounting friends on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Thanks.
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Accounting humor
When I was young, I graduated from accounting school. I wanted to go on to law school.
They told me, “For law school, we need to know how big your balls are”.
I refused to let them touch my balls. They told me to measure my balls diagonally myself. Then,
they figured out the area of my balls.
They told me, “You are 1/10th of an Inch too small ! You are not getting into law school !”
To this day, I am still an accountant.
But, I often think, if my Balls were only a little bigger, instead of the LITTLE PRICK THAT I AM,
I could have been A REALLY BIG ASSHOLE!!!
Got quite a few chuckles from your Joke list. Your “Famous (and sometimes funny) Public Accounting Quotes” reminds me of my favorite tick mark from years ago working in public accounting . . .
✓ – Agreed to client’s imagination