As part of my blog Advice for Tax Preparers, I will be adding interviews other tax professionals on their advice, tips, and tricks to make your life as a tax preparer easier and more successful. My intent is to get a wide range of interviews from tax professionals in terms of their experience and part of the country so that you can get an understanding of which issues are common in public accounting firm tax departments versus which issues depend on your situation or part of the country. [click to keep reading…]
Tax Preparers: A Free Program to Stop Losing Important Notes
How many times have you written down a quick note or phone number from your boss or client and then you can’t find it? The answer is too many. It can drive you crazy. Most tax preparers have used paper Post-it Notes to leave a reminder for family, friends or even ourselves. But we know that Post-it notes can be a problem in a public accounting firm. By design they are very flimsy and easy to lose. The phone number that was given to you by your boss or client is now buried below a stack of files that you put on top it. Yes, you might find the number eventually. But you want to call that person now. [click to keep reading…]
Tax Preparers & Reviewers: Learn an Easy Time Management Trick for Tax Season E-Mails
If you are like most tax preparers and reviewers then you cringe at opening Microsoft Outlook during tax season. You spent the previous evening working overtime trying to get returns off your desk because you wanted to spend today catching up on things you need to do.
But you open your inbox and you find 20, 30 or 50 e-mails from
- clients,
- other staff,
- your boss,
- IT,
- headhunters (who want to lure you to another firm while you are frustrated), and
- others who want to take up your time. [click to keep reading…]